2020 was abysmal, but we also learned one very important lesson: it’s okay to embrace change.
What’s your strategy this season? It’s critical that we devise a solid plan in this “new normal” in order to be successful. What worked in the past, may not necessarily work in this season. In this post, we’ll explore what’s part of the new strategy.
Rest and Reset
Being mandated to stay home has presented its challenges, hasn’t it. How can we use this time effectively, so by the time it’s over we might go about our “normal” differently.
I Don't Know What God's Up to, but I'm Here for It!
God has been doing really cool things in my life as of late and I just had to share.
It's Just a Hoodie: A Tribute to Trayvon Martin
In honor of Black History Month, I wanted to pay tribute to Trayvon Martin and his tragic death through my photography.
Leading Lady
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the wonderful Ta’lor Pinkston aka Ladyhood Journey. She is easily one of Pittsburgh’s finest. Ta’lor takes to her social media platforms to encourage and educate women about self-love in every sense of the word. She and I met earlier this year and her aura was beautifully magnetic. I knew then and there that she and I would be friends.
Ta’lor runs a blog called “Ladyhood Journey.” On it, she runs a special feature section called, “Leading Lady Campaign.” She writes, “This campaign was created to empower women and girls to defy obstacles, self-doubt, and fear so that they can be proud of the woman they are as a journey toward their dreams.” Given what you know about me, you can see from that definition alone why she and I stay connected.
Well, I had the pleasure of being featured in her Leading Lady Campaign. This article really captures me (no pun-intended). It shows my heart, my revelations concerning photography and how we are truly better together. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Good for the Soul
I hope that everyone is enjoying the holidays!
As many of you know, I am a full-time educator so the holidays mean a nice vacation until the new year. However, this girl had so many vacation days, she’s been off since December 17th. When I tell you it has been good for my soul, I MEAN it’s been good for my soul.
What’s vacation without a little bit of work? Fun work in this case though. Last night, I had the pleasure of doing my first (hopefully of many) podcast. A buddy of mine from my days at Slippery Rock, “Mouse Jones,” started a podcast not too long ago and invited me to be a guest last night on his show.
Our conversation was just what the doctor ordered. From culture and music to jobs and diversity, the discussion encompassed so much of which I am super passionate about. One thing that bubbles to the top for me is how connected everything is in this life. We are a community of people who can do amazing things if we learn to appreciate the differences that each of us brings to the table. Democrat or Republic, black or white, freelancer or 9-5er, what is different about us and our experiences is exactly what should bring us together. I am not saying that you have to befriend everyone you meet, but having people with different interests and perspectives in your circle, is good for the soul.
Check out the podcast entitled, “BLACK by Popular Demand,” here!
Be The Difference
We must be the difference.
My heart is heavy for the city of Pittsburgh, but I want that feeling to move me to action. I want to be the difference. My plan is to protest with my vote. I’m going to make it my business, this November 6th, to make a change. My vote will be cast for those who are also tired of extending thoughts and prayers for senseless tragedies. It’s past time for us to be the difference.
If we are the nation that we say we are, we don’t mind that folks pray and worship differently than us. If we are the nation that we say we are, we appreciate that folks skin color differs from our own. If we are the nation that we say we are, difference is what makes us, US--the United States.
It’s up to us to be fed up, not just today, but from now on because too much is at stake. It’s our generation that has to carry the torch and hold our elected officials accountable. No more saying “My vote doesn’t matter.” That can no longer be an excuse. Use some of the five minutes that you are mindlessly scrolling Instagram to ensure that you know who you should be voting for in just a matter of days.
There are a myriad of other ways that you and i can shift the culture, but this is where it starts.
Be the difference. Our time is now.
You know how the MARVEL movies go, right?! You’ve gotta watch until after the credits are over, so that you can see the extra scene. In Black Panther’s extra scene, Ta’Challa takes the podium at what looks to be a press conference, dropping some last minute wisdom on us. The whole spiel is powerful.
“More than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence.
We all know the truth: More connects us than separates us, but in times of
crisis, the wise build bridges. But the foolish build barriers.
We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”
I cried a lot during that movie and that scene was no exception. His statement reminds us that You and I are no different despite our skin color, educational background, socioeconomic status, faith or sexual orientation. I am compelled to respect you because you, too, are just out here trying to live your best life.
Ta’Challa also has it right when he says that we are more alike than we are different. If we were all walking this earth looking, acting and speaking the same, the world would be a very boring place. Instead, we all come from different walks of life and through our stories, we can share so much with one another that can make us even better people.
It seems so simple, but continues to be the main reason there is so much hatred. This world isn’t fair. However, in the words of Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I like to smile at folks and even speak to them. MY! What a grand gesture. :) It is becoming a lost art and I want to do everything in my power to keep it around. With time comes great advances in technology and other things so important to our existence, however, we cannot let it strip of us finding value in human existence.
Let’s not forget that at the heart of it all is humanity. Merriam-Webster defines humanity as “compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition : the quality or state of being humane.” We are all we have got, so let’s be kind, considerate and thoughtful with one another whenever the opportunity presents itself. It’s the genteel thing to do.