“I don’t know what God’s up to, but I’m here for it.” I coined this expression late last year as I was really seeing God’s hand move in my life in pretty tremendous ways. It’s funny what happens when we just let God be God. What He ends up doing is making what you thought was impossible, possible. Fast forward to 2019 where I have seen my dreams, things I’ve prayed about as well as things that have just crossed my mind, come to pass. When I got the email that I was nominated for the Recent Alumni Award at The Rock, I immediately started bawling, then called my mum exclaiming, “What is God up to?” I couldn’t believe it! Soon after that, I got an email that Campus Labs wanted me to present at their annual conference and be a featured speaker. Before I left for New Orleans, (I led a group of SHU students doing humanitarian work) I got a call to do a presentation at Duquesne University. It seems like he’s turned on the faucet of blessings and the handle is broken.
What I haven’t disclosed to you yet is that one of my professional goals is to be a speaker who travels the world encouraging students in higher ed to live their best lives. The opportunities I’ve just listed are the catalysts of that exact dream coming to fruition.
Why am I sharing this? I want to be very clear about who deserves the honor and praise. I’m not looking for likes or words of affirmation, I really just want folks to know about how amazing God is in my life. He can do for you what He is doing for me. Acts 10:34 reads: “...God is no respecter of persons,” which means God does not have favorites. He wants to do for you just like He’s doing for that person you are envying on social media. He wants to show you that you are loved. After all, He’s your Father who created you on purpose, with a purpose to do greater works than He.
I’ll leave you with this: Get out of your own way. Don’t let what’s owed to you not come your way because you didn’t let go and let God. He knows our heart’s desire(s) and is looking to be great in ways you cannot even fathom. Don’t forget the most important part: TITHES and OFFERINGS. This is a major way to show God you’re serious.
This has been an essential part of my recipe and I hope it helps/blesses you.