If there were ever a Felicia to bye-bye, 2020 would be it!
We have suffered so much loss and yet in spite of its many challenges this past year, one thing should stay: embracing a new thing. COVID-19 has forced us to do what humans do best when faced with adversity: adapt and overcome— thus embracing a new thing.
Oftentimes, when tasked with doing something a different way, initially we view it as a burden. As humans, we love routine and predictability but when that gets shaken up, we are not the biggest fans of that experience. I don’t know about you, but when someone in school would sit in a seat that I’ve been sitting in all semester long or when I am forced to take a detour because of construction — all of that leaves me feeling some type of way. A bit of anxiousness comes over me. Change? Do it differently? No, thank you. I want that old thing. However, once I get over that initial shock, from that different seat I can appreciate a new perspective; in taking that detour, I now know a different way to get to my destination. You see where I’m going.
We realized that for many of us our jobs could indeed be done from home. We found new ways to celebrate like having virtual graduations and drive-by birthday parties. Our traditional or “old” things were now being presented in a new way. What are you trying to say elise? I’m saying that sometimes we must be forced to shift, so that we can get what’s in store for us. We become so accustomed to what’s ordinary and routine, that unless we have no other choice but to move-- we will stay still. There’s comfort in stillness and familiarity, but there comes a time when you must move. Just like the seasons come and go, coming and going is necessary for your destiny.
You know the cliche “Step outside of your comfort zone?” Well, I think we can all agree that it’s more easily said than done. I’ll speak for myself and say that it usually takes an event of some sort to make me ‘step.’ And with each step, whether I realize it or not, I gain something that I could not have gotten inside of my comfort zone. Each step is worthwhile.
So take this with you as we begin a new year: A new thing awaits you -- don’t be afraid to move. It isn’t a burden, it’s a blessing or a lesson. Embrace it with open arms and a mindset that you can handle whatever obstacle you face. You are resilient and resourceful. And don’t you ever forget it.
Here’s my Youtube video on this too!